Saturday, March 30, 2019

Gnome Sweet Home

Thinking of Princess, where ever she is.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Celebrate Respectfully

Happy Cesar Chavez Day weekend, everyone. While I shouldn't gainsay anyone's approach to celebrating the life of a great man, I have to say that getting blasted on the day of birth of a man who fasted in support of his people would be like slurping Jello shots out of a stripper's belly button to celebrate Gandhi's birthday. At least keep in mind that wearing a sombrero, sarape/poncho and/or droopy moustache (or any combination thereof) on March 31 will likely get you punched in the head by yours truly.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Probably because I have to deal with so many weirdos at my job, I'm often reluctant to leave my apartment on my days off, especially since I live in one of the more economically disadvantaged areas of town. Yesterday I had to take out the garbage. A guy from one of the other units was burning an onion on a rock with a propane torch. At the same time, a man wearing a leather jacket was passing by, walking a massive pit bull. The dog was also wearing a leather jacket. I felt like I was in a David Lynch movie.