Monday, March 4, 2019

Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Probably because I have to deal with so many weirdos at my job, I'm often reluctant to leave my apartment on my days off, especially since I live in one of the more economically disadvantaged areas of town. Yesterday I had to take out the garbage. A guy from one of the other units was burning an onion on a rock with a propane torch. At the same time, a man wearing a leather jacket was passing by, walking a massive pit bull. The dog was also wearing a leather jacket. I felt like I was in a David Lynch movie.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! For me, it's been being blue in a sea of red, if you know what I mean. ;~) xoxo

  2. Ha! That is so unreal but real! I hide from neighbors in my place, too! I'm imagining the onion propane man was trying to caramelize onions but didn't have a stove or grill...or was just too stupid to use a stove or grill and just smart enough not to set fire to the place or blow it up!

    Now leather jacket man and fashionable but was it cool enough to sport such jackets?

    I live in an older apt rent is low and it attracts college students and retains an elderly and family population. So I'm subjected to loud music, complaints about various ailments and elderly conditions, and children yelling or trying to sell things door to door...but it's home...

  3. It's been pretty cold and wet here lately, so dog and man weren't out of season. I'm pretty sure their jackets were actually pleather, but they both looked very butch.

    Speaking of childish salespersons, the last three days there have been some kids up the street trying to sell winter, in the dark. Their business model needs a little work.

  4. I live in the middle of a field to avoid the aforementioned issues.... though the sheep can get a bit bolshy.
