Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Freakin' Winner Is...


Well, this is it: the moment you've all been waiting for - some of you for over five years! The announcement of the winner of the Freakin' Green Elf Shorts Caption Competition.

It wasn't easy picking a winner - they're were so many worthy contenders. In fact, just to be thorough, there was a total of 10 people submitting captions, with 16 captions in all. Of those 10 people, Inexplicable DeVice inexplicably asked that his three captions not be considered for the win. This brought the total number of eligible captions down to 12. Too bad for IDV, for he had some darned good ones, but it made my job a little bit easier.

In case any of you are checking the contest post, counting entrants and coming up short, that's because the entry of one contestant - Adem K. - wound up on a subsequent post because I stupidly made a rather confusing link to it.

Before I announce the winner, it's worth noting some of the more outstanding entries (and a non-official entry). I'm not doing any "second-place" or "runners-up" or any such nonsense. These are just some I particularly liked and thought they bore repeating, so let's call them "Honorable Mentions":


Past winner and fan-fave...


... Eroswings wowed me with four - count 'em - FOUR captions. The one I liked best was a reworking of the Mamas and the Papas' classic:

California Dreaming - The FGES remix

All the stains are brown (all the stains are brown)
And the lining is grey (and the lining is grey)
I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk)
In these Shorts all day (In these Shorts all day)
I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm)
If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)
California dreamin' (California dreamin')
Do these Shorts make me gay?

Inexplicable DeVice:

Former two-time winner of the dreaded pantaloons...

... Inexplicable DeVice, submitted some boffo captions, but recused himself from the proceedings. My favorite was:

"The fumes from the FGES having gone to his head, Rimpy gets completely the wrong end of the stick when advised to rub on some bronzer."

But now, without further ado, I present the winner of TFGES Competition. Maestro, if you please...

It's Alpo Jones!

The part of Alpo Jones is being played by Stephanie Patterson

Alpo Jones' winning caption was short, succinct and tickled me pink:

"Try online dating," they said. "Everyone's doing it," they said. "What've you got to lose?" they said.

Congratulations, Alpo Jones.

That's it. Thanks to all who entered or just followed along. It's been fun. I can't wait to see what AJ does with the FGES.


  1. Congratulations, Alpo Jones!!! Fantastic job!!!

    And Congratulations, Rimpy, on a very successful and FUNtastic resurrection and revitalization of the FGES! It was a great start to a new chapter in The Shorts Saga, and I can't wait to see where the Shorts end up next and what creative poses the winners come up with and what hilarious captions the readers create!

    Cheers to you for an amazing and astounding job of reviving the unique and international event!



  2. Congratulations to the winner Alpo Jones !

    Kudos to Mr Rimpington for carrying on with the - as Eros put it : "unique and international " - sillyness !

  3. Very many commisera- Uh, I mean, congratulations, of course, to Alpo Jones!!! I just hope the contaminated 'Shorts don't melt whatever mannequin they may end up on.

    And, thank you Rimpy for resurrecting this marvellous competition. It's always a delight seeing someone else inflicted with the 'Shorts. Now, if you need some tips on how to get through PSS (Post Shorts Syndrome), you know where I am.

    1. P.S. Thanks for correcting my "nincompoop" caption ;)

    2. No problem. It took me a moment to realize that the correction wasn't a separate caption.

    3. Thanks for your kind words, IDV. I don't think PSS will be too much of a problem. After all, I didn't win the originals. But it was thrilling to have a new pair from Queen Andrea. I'm thinking of buying my own pair in a size that'll fit me.

  4. Congratulations! Long live TFGES!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS, Alpo Jones!! I'm sure you'll wear them well. ;~) Many thanks to Rimpy for reviving the competition! I think I'll start working on a caption for the next one! xoxox

    1. You're welcome, and thank you. It will be fun to be able to watch the progress of the Shorts again.

  6. Congratulations, Alpo Jones!!! And thank goodness the competition has been revived!! Thank you, Rimpy!
